COBENEFITS Cross-Country Methodology Exchange

COBENEFITS Methodology ExchangeThis July, we are host­ing a num­ber of vir­tu­al con­fer­ences for select­ed researchers in our tar­get coun­tries to fos­ter mutu­al learn­ing and cross-coun­try exchange on assess­ment method­olo­gies. Par­tic­i­pants will present and dis­cuss their approach­es and method­olo­gies for assess­ing employ­ment impacts, ener­gy access and air pol­lu­tion result­ing from pow­er sec­tor activ­i­ties. The objec­tive is for researchers to get to know the approach­es of oth­er teams work­ing on the same top­ic and to dis­cuss exist­ing dif­fi­cul­ties and barriers.

On invi­ta­tion only.