Increasing industrial competitiveness in Turkey

This study analy­ses and quan­ti­fies how incor­po­rat­ing high­er shares of renew­able ener­gies in Turkey’s elec­tric­i­ty mix can affect elec­tric­i­ty prices for the indus­tri­al sec­tor. The impacts are quan­ti­fied for both whole­sale and retail elec­tric­i­ty prices. More­over, addi­tion­al pos­i­tive socio-eco­nom­ic effects are also quan­ti­fied in terms of job cre­ation, GDP growth, and reduced inflation.


COBENEFITS Study: Increas­ing indus­tri­al com­pet­i­tive­ness and hedg­ing against fos­sil price volatil­i­ty with renew­ables in Turkey



The recent crises in ener­gy mar­kets, par­tic­u­lar­ly nat­ur­al gas pro­cure­ment dif­fi­cul­ties, has increased the whole­sale elec­tric­i­ty price in Turkey. The aver­age whole­sale elec­tric­i­ty price from win­ter of 2019 up to spring of 2021 was 44 USD/MWh which was increased to 95.25 USD/MWh. Our updat­ed Exec­u­tive Sum­ma­ry accounts for the new trends in elec­tric­i­ty prices.

Exec­u­tive Sum­ma­ry Update Sep­tem­ber 2022: Increas­ing indus­tri­al com­pet­i­tive­ness and hedg­ing against fos­sil price volatil­i­ty with renew­ables in Turkey


Year of pub­li­ca­tion:  2022

Edi­tors: David Jacobs, Dur­sun Bas, Ümit Şahin, Franziska Sper­feld, Lau­ra Nagel, Sebas­t­ian Hel­gen­berg­er — IET, IPC, UfU, and IASS

Sug­gest­ed cita­tion: IASS/IPC/UfU/IET. 2022. Increas­ing indus­tri­al com­pet­i­tive­ness and hedg­ing against fos­sil proce volatil­i­ty with renew­ables in Turkey. Assess­ing the co-ben­e­fits of decar­bon­is­ing the pow­er sec­tor. COBENEFITS Exec­u­tive Report. Potsdam/Istanbul.