Renewable energy for air quality and people’s health

Socio-eco­nom­ic assess­ment tools, key find­ings and expert contacts

Con­nect­ing pol­i­cy­mak­ers with expert organ­i­sa­tions to assess and unlock air qual­i­ty co-benefits

Air pol­lu­tion, pri­mar­i­ly from coal-fired pow­er plants, is one of the main impacts that the ener­gy sec­tor has on the envi­ron­ment and human health. The health impacts of great­est con­cern include heart dis­ease, lung can­cer, stroke and chron­ic obstruc­tive pul­monary dis­ease. The con­se­quences of such dis­eases include increased lev­els of mor­bid­i­ty, which fur­ther result in ele­vat­ed health costs, as well as loss of productivity.

With this fact sheet series, we seek to present the state of the art in assess­ing air-qual­i­ty co-ben­e­fits, inter­con­nect­ing cli­mate friend­ly pow­er plan­ning, air qual­i­ty and pub­lic health.

Co-ben­e­fits Knowl­edge Com­mons: Renew­able ener­gy for air qual­i­ty and peo­ple’s health


Year of pub­li­ca­tion: 2022

Pub­lished by the COBENEFITS project in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Cen­tre for Research on Ener­gy and Clean Air (CREA)

Edit­ed by Franziska Sper­feld, Sarah Kovac, Sophie Dolin­ga, Lau­ra Nagel, Héc­tor Rodríguez – UfU and IASS