Meet us at the COP25 in Madrid.
“Press Briefing on Just Transition: Experiences in Germany and South Africa”
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
December 12th, 2019. 09:30 am
German Pavilion
COP 25 Briefing: Co-Benefits for Just Energy Futures in South Africa
“Mobilising Co-Benefits and raising NDC ambition with Just Transitions: Latin American perspectives”
December 3rd, 2019. 10:30 – 12:00 h
EU Pavilion, Room Helsinki
“Strengthening climate promises: near-term mitigation via joint action on NDC provisions & air quality”
December 4th , 2019. 13:15–14:45
UNFCCC Side Event at COP25 — Room 1
“How to connect the social and economic co-benefits of climate action to national development priorities?”
December 5th, 2019. 9:30 – 10:30 h
IASS Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space at the Blue Zone
“Transformative potential of small-scale energy access investments: linking community action to SDGs and NDC implementation”
December 6th, 2019. 13:30 – 14:45 h
SDG Pavilion
“Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Employment, Industrial Development and Energy Transition”
December 6th, 2019. 15:00 – 17:00 h
Turkey Pavilion
Information is regularly updated. Should you have questions regarding our COP activities, please contact us via
Detailed information can be found below.
“Mobilising Co-Benefits and raising NDC ambition with Just Transitions: Latin American perspectives”
December 3rd, 2019. 10:30 – 12:00 h
EU Pavilion, Room Helsinki
Co-benefits of climate action are essential drivers to raise ‑NDC ambition. Likewise fundamental is including just transition measures into NDC implementation. How can co-benefits be actively mobilized for ambitious and early action? How can just transition measures be effectively included into NDCs? In the context of COP 25, the IASS, Climate Strategies and the GIZ Mexico are pleased to invite you to a lively exchange on co-benefits, just transitions and NDC ambition to make Latin America more inclusive.
Agenda: | |
10:30–10:35 | Keynotes and Welcome. |
10:35–10:45 | Key Results of Co-benefits Mexico Studies |
10:45–11:15 | FIRST PANEL: Co-benefits and the global energy transition |
11:15–11:45 | SECOND PANEL: Strengthening NDCs through Just Transition |
Contributors (subject to change):
- Sayda Melina Rodríguez, Secretary of Sustainable Development of Yucatan (SDS)
- Floriberto Vásquez, Subsecretary of Climate Change of Oaxaca (SEMAEDESO)
- Deborah Ferreira, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Laima Eicke, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Hector Rodriguez, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Peter Glynn, Bond University, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Ana Toni, Executive Director, Institute for Climate and Society Brazil (ICS)
“Strengthening climate promises: near-term mitigation via joint action on NDC provisions & air quality”
December 4th , 2019. 13:15–14:45
UNFCCC Side Event at COP25 — Room 1
Global mitigation commitments are far from being sufficient, and countries are required to update their NDC in 2020. In this side event we discuss the potential for integrated action on air quality and climate to ratchet up climate mitigation efforts and provide further mitigation contributions? How can inclusion of short-lived climate forcing pollutants (SLCPs) such as methane and black carbon in climate plans benefit near-term climate, air quality, and health? This event showcases activities of national as well as nongovernmental actors that tackle both climate and air quality challenges.
- Yerima Peter Tarfa, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria
- Dr. Mark G. Lawrence, Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Nathan Borgford-Parnell, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) – Enhancing NDCs, reducing air pollution and improving human health
- Shareen Yawanarajah, EDF International Policy Manager – Methane measures for enhancing NDCs
- Dr. Maria Amparo Garcia Arroyo, Director General of Mexican National Insitute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC)
- Bala Bappa, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria – Development of Nigeria’s National Action Plan on SLCPs
- Asmau Jibril, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria
“How to connect the social and economic co-benefits of climate action to national development priorities?”
December 5th, 2019. 9:30 – 10:30 h
IASS Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space at the Blue Zone
Closed Door round-table discussion for exchanging lessons learned on implementation and climate policy elaboration. How can we increase the mutual learning, cooperation between countries? How to connect the social and economic co-benefits of climate action to national development priorities? COP attendees and co-benefits stakeholders who are looking to take a break from the flood of information at the climate conference and wish to reflect on raising NDC ambition through just transitions are welcome to register here.
“Transformative potential of small-scale energy access investments: linking community action to SDGs and NDC implementation”
December 6th, 2019. 13:30 – 14:45 h
SDG Pavilion
The event will feature experts and energy practitioners exploring practical ways of anchoring national and global policies and commitments in the local context as well as opportunities to amplify local knowledge and innovation through larger policy frameworks. The event will be organized in the form of interactive panel with panel members considering the following topics:
- How to increase ambition for off-grid energy access in the energy-related components of the NDCs?
- How to achieve better synergies and alignment on the ground between access to energy (SDG7), climate action (SDG13) and other SDGs?
- What are approaches to leveraging existing know-how and expertise across different stakeholders in the country, but also across countries?
- What are the key barriers and opportunities in scaling up off-grid solutions in support of the NDCs and the SDGs?
- What role can the UN play in targeting investment and assistance to NDC implementation at the local level and linking it to achievement of SDGs?
- Carmen Dienst, Head of Research Unit “International Energy Transitions” at the Wuppertal Institute
- Willington Ortiz, WISIONS Regional Coordinator at RedBioLAC (Latin America)
- Local practitioner ACCESS (Africa) or HPNET (Asia) (TBC),
- Mara Gomez, Institute for Advance Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Bahareh Seyedi, Global Energy and Climate Policy Adviser, UNDP
“Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Employment, Industrial Development and Energy Transition”
December 6th, 2019. 15:00 – 17:00 h
Turkey Pavilion
This side event will present the notion and global examples of co-benefits approach regarding climate change mitigation, and renewable energy per se. Assessments of co-benefits mobilization in Turkey and Mexico, especially on employment and industrial development will be among the key topics.
- Ümit Şahin, Senior Scholar and Coordinator of Climate Studies, Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center (IPC)
- Bengisu Özenç, Senior Economist, Bilkent University
- Hector Rodriguez, Research Associate, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
- Yael Taranto, Senior Energy Analyst, SHURA Energy Transition Center
- Paul Kishimoto, Postdoc Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- Hector Pollitt, Head of Modelling, Cambridge Econometrics
- Elizabeth Press, Director, Planning and Programme Support, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Coming soon