Meet us at the COP25 in Madrid.

“Press Brief­ing on Just Tran­si­tion: Expe­ri­ences in Ger­many and South Africa”
Fed­er­al Min­istry for the Envi­ron­ment, Nature Con­ser­va­tion and Nuclear Safety
Decem­ber 12th, 2019. 09:30 am
Ger­man Pavilion
COP 25 Brief­ing: Co-Ben­e­fits for Just Ener­gy Futures in South Africa

“Mobil­is­ing Co-Ben­e­fits and rais­ing NDC ambi­tion with Just Tran­si­tions: Latin Amer­i­can perspectives”
Decem­ber 3rd, 2019. 10:30 – 12:00 h
EU Pavil­ion, Room Helsinki

“Strengthen­ing cli­mate promis­es: near-term mit­i­ga­tion via joint action on NDC pro­vi­sions & air quality”
Decem­ber 4th , 2019. 13:15–14:45
UNFCCC Side Event at COP25 — Room 1

“How to con­nect the social and eco­nom­ic co-ben­e­fits of cli­mate action to nation­al devel­op­ment priorities?”
Decem­ber 5th, 2019. 9:30 – 10:30 h
IASS Co-Cre­ative Reflec­tion & Dia­logue Space at the Blue Zone

“Trans­for­ma­tive poten­tial of small-scale ener­gy access invest­ments: link­ing com­mu­ni­ty action to SDGs and NDC implementation”
Decem­ber 6th, 2019. 13:30 – 14:45 h
SDG Pavilion

“Social and Eco­nom­ic Co-Ben­e­fits of Cli­mate Change Mit­i­ga­tion: Employ­ment, Indus­tri­al Devel­op­ment and Ener­gy Tran­si­tion
Decem­ber 6th, 2019. 15:00 – 17:00 h
Turkey Pavilion


Infor­ma­tion is reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed. Should you have ques­tions regard­ing our COP activ­i­ties, please con­tact us via

Detailed infor­ma­tion can be found below.

“Mobil­is­ing Co-Ben­e­fits and rais­ing NDC ambi­tion with Just Tran­si­tions: Latin Amer­i­can perspectives”
Decem­ber 3rd, 2019. 10:30 – 12:00 h
EU Pavil­ion, Room Helsinki

Co-ben­e­fits of cli­mate action are essen­tial dri­vers to raise ‑NDC ambi­tion. Like­wise fun­da­men­tal is includ­ing just tran­si­tion mea­sures into NDC imple­men­ta­tion. How can co-ben­e­fits be active­ly mobi­lized for ambi­tious and ear­ly action? How can just tran­si­tion mea­sures be effec­tive­ly includ­ed into NDCs? In the con­text of COP 25, the IASS, Cli­mate Strate­gies and the GIZ Mex­i­co are pleased to invite you to a live­ly exchange on co-ben­e­fits, just tran­si­tions and NDC ambi­tion to make Latin Amer­i­ca more inclusive.

10:30–10:35 Keynotes and Welcome.
10:35–10:45 Key Results of Co-ben­e­fits Mex­i­co Studies
10:45–11:15 FIRST PANEL: Co-ben­e­fits and the glob­al ener­gy transition
11:15–11:45 SECOND PANEL: Strength­en­ing NDCs through Just Transition

Con­trib­u­tors (sub­ject to change):

  • Say­da Meli­na Rodríguez, Sec­re­tary of Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment of Yucatan (SDS)
  • Florib­er­to Vásquez, Sub­sec­re­tary of Cli­mate Change of Oax­a­ca (SEMAEDESO)
  • Deb­o­rah Fer­reira, Insti­tute for Advanced Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Laima Eicke, Insti­tute for Advanced Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Hec­tor Rodriguez, Insti­tute for Advanced Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Peter Glynn, Bond Uni­ver­si­ty, Inter­na­tion­al Cham­ber of Com­merce (ICC)
  • Ana Toni, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Insti­tute for Cli­mate and Soci­ety Brazil (ICS)


“Strengthen­ing cli­mate promis­es: near-term mit­i­ga­tion via joint action on NDC pro­vi­sions & air quality”
Decem­ber 4th , 2019. 13:15–14:45
UNFCCC Side Event at COP25 — Room 1

Glob­al mit­i­ga­tion com­mit­ments are far from being suf­fi­cient, and coun­tries are required to update their NDC in 2020. In this side event we dis­cuss the poten­tial for inte­grat­ed action on air qual­i­ty and cli­mate to ratch­et up cli­mate mit­i­ga­tion efforts and pro­vide fur­ther mit­i­ga­tion con­tri­bu­tions? How can inclu­sion of short-lived cli­mate forc­ing pol­lu­tants (SLCPs) such as methane and black car­bon in cli­mate plans ben­e­fit near-term cli­mate, air qual­i­ty, and health? This event show­cas­es activ­i­ties of nation­al as well as non­govern­men­tal actors that tack­le both cli­mate and air qual­i­ty challenges.


  • Yer­i­ma Peter Tar­fa, Fed­er­al Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment, Nigeria
  • Dr. Mark G. Lawrence, Direc­tor, Insti­tute for Advanced Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Nathan Borgford-Par­nell, Cli­mate and Clean Air Coali­tion (CCAC) – Enhanc­ing NDCs, reduc­ing air pol­lu­tion and improv­ing human health 
  • Sha­reen Yawa­nara­jah, EDF Inter­na­tion­al Pol­i­cy Man­ag­er – Methane mea­sures for enhanc­ing NDCs
  • Dr. Maria Amparo Gar­cia Arroyo, Direc­tor Gen­er­al of Mex­i­can Nation­al Insi­tute of Ecol­o­gy and Cli­mate Change (INECC)
  • Bala Bap­pa, Fed­er­al Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment, Nige­ria – Devel­op­ment of Nigeria’s Nation­al Action Plan on SLCPs 
  • Asmau Jib­ril, Fed­er­al Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment, Nigeria


“How to con­nect the social and eco­nom­ic co-ben­e­fits of cli­mate action to nation­al devel­op­ment priorities?”
Decem­ber 5th, 2019. 9:30 – 10:30 h
IASS Co-Cre­ative Reflec­tion & Dia­logue Space at the Blue Zone

Closed Door round-table dis­cus­sion for exchang­ing lessons learned on imple­men­ta­tion and cli­mate pol­i­cy elab­o­ra­tion. How can we increase the mutu­al learn­ing, coop­er­a­tion between coun­tries? How to con­nect the social and eco­nom­ic co-ben­e­fits of cli­mate action to nation­al devel­op­ment pri­or­i­ties? COP atten­dees and co-ben­e­fits stake­hold­ers who are look­ing to take a break from the flood of infor­ma­tion at the cli­mate con­fer­ence and wish to reflect on rais­ing NDC ambi­tion through just tran­si­tions are wel­come to reg­is­ter here.


“Trans­for­ma­tive poten­tial of small-scale ener­gy access invest­ments: link­ing com­mu­ni­ty action to SDGs and NDC implementation”
Decem­ber 6th, 2019. 13:30 – 14:45 h
SDG Pavilion

The event will fea­ture experts and ener­gy prac­ti­tion­ers explor­ing prac­ti­cal ways of anchor­ing nation­al and glob­al poli­cies and com­mit­ments in the local con­text as well as oppor­tu­ni­ties to ampli­fy local knowl­edge and inno­va­tion through larg­er pol­i­cy frame­works. The event will be orga­nized in the form of inter­ac­tive pan­el with pan­el mem­bers con­sid­er­ing the fol­low­ing topics:

  • How to increase ambi­tion for off-grid ener­gy access in the ener­gy-relat­ed com­po­nents of the NDCs?
  • How to achieve bet­ter syn­er­gies and align­ment on the ground between access to ener­gy (SDG7), cli­mate action (SDG13) and oth­er SDGs?
  • What are approach­es to lever­ag­ing exist­ing know-how and exper­tise across dif­fer­ent stake­hold­ers in the coun­try, but also across countries?
  • What are the key bar­ri­ers and oppor­tu­ni­ties in scal­ing up off-grid solu­tions in sup­port of the NDCs and the SDGs?
  • What role can the UN play in tar­get­ing invest­ment and assis­tance to NDC imple­men­ta­tion at the local lev­el and link­ing it to achieve­ment of SDGs?


  • Car­men Dienst, Head of Research Unit “Inter­na­tion­al Ener­gy Tran­si­tions” at the Wup­per­tal Institute
  • Will­ing­ton Ortiz, WISIONS Region­al Coor­di­na­tor at Red­Bi­o­LAC (Latin America)
  • Local prac­ti­tion­er ACCESS (Africa) or HPNET (Asia) (TBC),
  • Mara Gomez, Insti­tute for Advance Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Bahareh Seye­di, Glob­al Ener­gy and Cli­mate Pol­i­cy Advis­er, UNDP


“Social and Eco­nom­ic Co-Ben­e­fits of Cli­mate Change Mit­i­ga­tion: Employ­ment, Indus­tri­al Devel­op­ment and Ener­gy Tran­si­tion
Decem­ber 6th, 2019. 15:00 – 17:00 h
Turkey Pavilion

This side event will present the notion and glob­al exam­ples of co-ben­e­fits approach regard­ing cli­mate change mit­i­ga­tion, and renew­able ener­gy per se. Assess­ments of co-ben­e­fits mobi­liza­tion in Turkey and Mex­i­co, espe­cial­ly on employ­ment and indus­tri­al devel­op­ment will be among the key topics.


  • Ümit Şahin, Senior Schol­ar and Coor­di­na­tor of Cli­mate Stud­ies, Sabancı Uni­ver­si­ty Istan­bul Pol­i­cy Cen­ter (IPC)
  • Bengisu Özenç, Senior Econ­o­mist, Bilkent University
  • Hec­tor Rodriguez, Research Asso­ciate, Insti­tute for Advanced Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Stud­ies (IASS)
  • Yael Taran­to, Senior Ener­gy Ana­lyst, SHURA Ener­gy Tran­si­tion Center
  • Paul Kishi­mo­to, Post­doc Research Schol­ar, Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Applied Sys­tems Analy­sis (IIASA)
  • Hec­tor Pol­litt, Head of Mod­el­ling, Cam­bridge Econometrics
  • Eliz­a­beth Press, Direc­tor, Plan­ning and Pro­gramme Sup­port, Inter­na­tion­al Renew­able Ener­gy Agency (IRENA)



Com­ing soon